Patient Information.

Patient Information

Our specialised and well-trained medical and paramedical staff wish to make your stay at Hippocrateon Private Hospital as comfortable as possible, and remain committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all patients.

Before admission  

Pre-operative assessment

Before being admitted to Hippocrateon Private Hospital for your scheduled surgery, make sure you complete the required pre-operative assessment as directed by your physician. Your physician will advise you when you will need to attend the assessment.

Patient history

You should bring a copy of your medical records including details of previous appointments and treatments, X-Rays, etc.


Make sure you bring or are able to name all of your current medications.

You should also tell your physician about any non-prescription medicines (household drugs, herbs, supplements, homeopathy, etc) that you have recently taken, continue to take or have stopped.

During your hospitalisation, medication will be given to you by the nursing staff as instructed by your physician.


The day before your surgery, you should avoid smoking to reduce the risk of a respiratory infection.